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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  August 15, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news america." >> this is "bbc world news america." thatay after the clashes killed more than 600 people in egypt, president obama condemned the violence but cut short of cutting off aid. >> our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets. >> a car bomb rips through a suburb of beirut, killing 18 people and a stronghold of hezbollah. revealed species was to the world today. actually it has been hiding in plain sight.
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welcome to our viewers on public television in america and around the globe. egypt's capital city has been the scene of morning, anger, and unrest after the clashes between security forces and supporters that -- of mohamed morsi. more than 600 people have died and their opponents say the number is higher. tonight the un security council is getting an emergency briefing. jeremy bowen reports from cairo on the days events. the setsrought ice up of the mops because in cairo, dead bodies decompose sought -- quickly. inside there were 200 in trouts, surrounded by their families. they blame the army commander.
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this is my brother, my sister. >> they were claiming bodies and waiting to bury them. family sat for hours and saying their goodbyes. those who are able to speak said the dead were civilians who had been massacred. before they attack, many supporters talked about martyrdom. it is now reality. some of the bodies were too burned to be recognizable. the families of the dead do not want to talk about peace plans or of a political process. even though they think --instead they will discuss justice for the dead and their determination to keep on resisting what the army has been doing. this person hugged his mother and stood next to his brother's body. icefamily packed it with
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and he condemned the military command and the politicians they have installed. get away not going to with this murder. this is murder. you can't kill your own people. you can't get away with it. there is a lot. there are international courts. people were pursue peaceful means to hold these people accountable. everybody should be held accountable for the massacres that are happening right now. bodies were being taken away to be buried. some people are talking about the area around this mosque as a site for a new muslim brotherhood sit in. more people arrived, supporting mohamed morsi. , they were burying their dead. the interior ministry says 43 were killed across egypt. this country is more divided than ever.
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the assault on the brotherhood has 20 of support but there is a t tworum of opinion, now solid blocks. a local man who opposed morsi said he was horrified by the killing of civilians and what it did to democracy's chances. >> people will not believe in the elections. the millionst take who were against him. there were millions who were pro-morsi. you can't ignore them. how can you convince them to vote again in one year? believe iny democracy? you bring somebody to power and then you kick him out? theorsi was the hero on streets while the brotherhood was in control. not anymore. a lot of supporters of the military were there for a defiant celebration.
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these countries, including the usa, if they support egypt, we do not need you anymore. cracks in the afternoon, the government headquarters in giza, attacked and burned. civilians helping the firefighters went to the muslim brotherhood. egypt is violent and unstable, sleeping -- slipping into a civil conflict. it is not a war but that is a risk of the violence goes on. bbc news, cairo. >> president obama joined the mounting on the nation of the violence in egypt and announced the u.s. is canceling joint military exercises. there are no signs united states is prepared to cancel its substantial military aid. looks at thedent foreign-policy dilemma facing mr. obama.
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>> on the streets of cairo, a lies ing democracy ruins. an american policy appears in disarray. even after the killing of civilians, washington refuses to condemned the generals for the recent power grab barack obama interrupted his holiday to do announce the violence. cannot determine the future of egypt. that is for the up -- egyptian people. we do not take sides with any particular party or political figure. to blame is tempting the united states or the west or some other actor, for what has gone wrong. he has canceled a planned military exercise with egypt. 1.3 billion dollars in american military aid is in the pipeline but will be reviewed.
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despite everything, egypt is a key for u.s. goals in the middle east. support is crucial to maintaining the peace treaty with israel. washington supports egypt against militants on israel's borders in the sinai. and the u.s. navy's access to the suez canal is controlled by egypt. and trieste house hard to work with whoever is in power in cairo. was mohamedly that morsi. today it is the military. it is a policy that has left them with no friends or influences in egypt. officials are saying there is no benefit anymore from supporting the generals. >> i think it is time for the united states to recognize what we have is the restoration of a military dictatorship in cairo. that means the united states needs to call these events what they are.
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it means to suspend assistance to the egyptian government because this was a military coup. >> turkey's prime minister is said washington shares responsibility for the bloodshed. these actions, how can you talk about democracy and human rights? how can you speak about human values while people are killed before your eyes? willd this evening, there be a meeting to discuss the escalation in egypt. bbc news, washington. >> for more on the crackdown in egypt and reaction i spoke with steven cook, a senior fellow for middle eastern study. u.s. go further than canceling military exercises if the crackdown continues? >> unlikely. the administration has signaled
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its disapproval by canceling the exercises. there is sentiment within washington the military aid is important to continue to be engaged with the armed forces, you have the situation in sinai, which is a pillar of american policy. is important despite these events. >> what conversations are going on as the cvs pictures? said, thisresident is an unfortunate turn of events, and escalation. the united states wants to signal its disapproval without severing ties with the egyptians. there is a sense if the aid package is cut, the united states would not have the ability to influence or talk to egyptian forces. >> interesting to see the uae praise to the crackdown. some gulf states have given $12 billion to the government.
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lead?s the >> the emirates are opposed to the muslim brotherhood. the saudi's and the kuwaitis have put up money to the egyptians. their $12 billion versus united states's $1.5 billion. that does not say much when other allies give 10 times the amount washington does. >> do you think a low-level insurgency against the interim government is now likely? >> it is unlikely in the name of the muslim brotherhood. certainly you can imagine members of the muslim brotherhood who believe they were playing by the rules, now there has been a coup. redress isare only to take up arms against the state. there is precedent for this in egypt. >> do you think there is something inevitable since the fall of resident mubarak?
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>> i am not sure there is anything inevitable but i think foregonever a conclusion egypt was going to make a transition to democracy. it was making a transition but to draw the conclusion from january and february of 2011 it is going to be democracy -- >> do worry about the de- humanizing with culture? >> what i have been struck by is the deterrent from these expressions of unity two and a ago to a country that is deeply divided between islamists, supporters of the old regime and the military, the crescendo of six terry and violence -- sectarian violence. this is a country where the social fabric is being torn. >> thank you for joining us. and lebanon, an explosion from a
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car bomb has killed 18 people and wounded 280. according to a state news agency, it was in a suburb south of beirut known to be a stronghold of hezbollah. filed thisim muir report. >> as you can see behind me, the smoke is still going up hours after the explosion took place. it was big and in the middle of a busy street behind me. was set on building fire and is still burning. fire engines are piling in pour water into those fires. were not successful in terms of extinguishing them. ambulances are carrying away the wounded. 100 or more altogether. no word on a specific target. is stngld of
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heofla attacks on this area. hezbollah is the main force. nobody doubts this is part of the syrian regime and its allies hitting back at hezbollah because of its support for the syrian government and its involvement on the ground. there are many threats from the syrian rebels to strike at hezbollah in its stronghold and that seems to be what is happening now. there has been a expectation it would happen. it happened on a smaller scale and now it is getting bigger. nobody believes that is the end of it. the war is getting more vicious by the day. and more and more spillover in lebanon. dramaticing from a scene in beirut. speaking of syria, today that was a major topic with iraq's prime minister. he met with john kerry. same day a wave
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of car bombs hit the iraq he capital, killing 33 people and wounding dozens. for more on the tenuous security situation, i spoke a brief time a seniorlaith kubba, adviser to the iraqi government. he joins us from government. could the conflict create a sectarian war in iraq? >> it will certainly impact security. there will be some tension. is al qaedatoday coming back with vengeance. it is not a tween sunnis and shia's thomas despite the politicians' positions. but that violence, that return of violence is from al qaeda. move in and out of iraq. they are taking full advantage of the politicians and they are
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making progress. the frequency and the scale of those attacks indicate they have built an infrastructure and this is not going to be beat easily. >> what can they do? >> unfortunately not much. it has to be a combination of measures. it would help if they were more inclusive in their politics. more military or security measures will not resolve the problem. you need more intelligence and cooperation from citizens. unfortunately the iraq he government has not delivered services to its people. theof course there is the regional tension between saudi arabia and iran. iraq is caught in the middle of it. moretly more balanced policy would help.
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iraq could handle these challenges one at a time but all of them at once, regional tension, syria, domestic politics, and al qaeda, all of them makes it difficult for the government to manage. >> what difference has the u.s. troops made? >> initially the u.s. policy succeeded five years ago in getting rid of al qaeda by , makingg the sunnis them part of the solution instead of part of the problem. they created a split between the sudanese and al qaeda in iraq. very slowly this has created back. art of the reason why the delegation is in d.c., they are seeking u.s. help not only in logistics but maybe a little bit more. the u.s. can't simply offer them
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helicopters or f-16s to fight al qaeda. this is a more complex problem that requires a complex approach. >> laith kubba, thank you for joining us. you are watching "bbc world news america." still to come, 68 years after whyend of world war ii, this visits from japanese café shows is creating controversy. we will bring you the answer. -- from japanese officials is creating controversy. we will bring you the answer. that is changing. in mexico, classical dance is booming. a group of dancers are challenging the traditional culture as they learn their steps. here is will grant. >> young dancers are taking their first steps in what may
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one day lead to a career in the industry. the firsty would be professional ballerinas from this part of the world. these children are from a small town in central mexico. be enjoying aight boom in mexico, the dancers, the men, often have to challenge the social norms in places like here. across town, the dancers of this company are among the young men hoping to make a living out of this unlikely of professions in machos a bit tersely society -- notoriously macho society. >> it was hard to be open about it. it took me two years before i invited anyone to come and see me dance. when my mom came, she was unconvinced. but when the performance was over, she was waiting for me, crying with happiness, saying how did my son get good at this?
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>> for many dancers, cuba remains the foremost place it to learn ballet. with decades of tradition under the communist government. these young people hope that one day mexico might be compared to that nurturestry its dancers and appreciates its ballet. will grant, bbc news, mexico. >> it has been seven decades since the end of world war ii and lingering resentments remain. china has lodged complaints with japan because it cabinet ministers visited a shrine in tokyo. it commemorates their war dead, including several war criminals.
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rupert wingfield-hayes has details. >> even after 68 years, there are some in japan who find it hard to accept the country lost the second world war. august the 15th at the shrine is right-wingfor every nationalist group in japan. shinzo abe did not turn up here today. but more than 100 other senior politicians did. these men and women say visiting the shrine has nothing to do with politics. politicians say, this place is deeply political. until 1945 the shrine was the center of a cold that were shipped to the emperor as a god and today the museum, over behind me, portrays a version of denies that ignores or
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the crimes committed by japanese troops in china and korea. that is why the prime minister is coming here. but don't tell that to one of the right-wing nationalists outside. >> is nothing to do with other countries, he said. the prime minister should visit and express his gratitude to the dead soldiers who risked their lives to protect our country. young japanese no longer accept there is a problem. it might be controversial to visit as a public figure, but personally as long as he visits as a private individual, there should not be any problem. most of the tens of thousands of people who braved the heat today to pay their respects have no
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political agenda. in japan is a free country. people can express themselves however they see fit. in china and korea, looking at these scenes, we'll say it confirms what they thought -- japan finds it very difficult to face up to the corners of its past. shrine in tokyo. >> japan's history there. today there was no exciting announcement from the world of science. researchers have made a discovery of a new species of mammal called an olinguito. this kind of find has not happened for 35 years. other olinguitos live in the northern andes. this discovery began in a museum thousands of miles away. jane o'brien has the details. >> meet the olinguito, the newest addition to the recruiting family.
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found in ane was museum in chicago. >> i have a lot of treasures. this is filled with new species. these are olinguitos. dr. helgen took 10 years to prove his discovery. inay's announcement was made the hallowed halls of the smithsonian institution. >> i feel wonderful. 10 years in coming. we publish to the paper today. we have named the new animal. wonderful. >> most of dr. helgen's was carried out behind the scenes. are 600,000 specimens at the national history museum and although some are more than a beenry old, it has possible to extract the dna from them and that led to news discoveries -- new discoveries such as the olinguito. pin downn was able to the new species. >> this changes our way of thinking.
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we can do so much more because of dna studies we can do. we can learn about the species. >> the olinguito zine the first new carnivore since the colombian weasel. >> it reminds us the world is not yet explored. for mammals, the age of discovery is far from over. think,inguito makes us what else is still out there? >> any future discovery will begin in one of the world's museum collections. jane o'brien, bbc news, washington. it would it make a good pat? what do you think? that brings the show to a close. you can continue watching "bbc on our 24-hour news network. simply check your local listing. and to reach me and most of the team, you can go to twitter.
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for all of us here, thanks for watching. tune in tomorrow. >> make sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions.
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we offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles.
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hi, neighbor! we're going to prince wednesday's castle to make sand pies! and then, we're going to play cars at school! will you come and play too? grr-ific! i'll be right back! is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you.
4:29 pm
in the neighborhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ would you be mine? could you be mine? ♪ ♪ won't you be my neighbor? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ - hi, neighbor! we're at prince wednesday's castle! we're playing in the sandbox!
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and look! i made something for you! a sand pie! you don't really eat it; you just pretend to eat it! nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom! how's your sand pie? - mmm, mmm! royally good! let's make more sand pies for our pie store. - more sand pies? ok let's make them special. hmm, hey! what's that over there? - oh, that's prince tuesday's crown. he left it there 'cause he has baseball practice. - oh. it's so shiny! - sand pies for sale! - i would like to buy a sand pie, please. ooh, yummy! what kind is that? - it's, um... it's... stick pie! see? sticks! get it? stick pie? - oh! i would like to buy the stick pie, please. - oh, ok, one stick pie for you!


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